Anna McCluskey

Urban Fantasy Author
Sensitivity Reading

Sensitivity reads include in-depth written feedback on any characters who represent the following marginalized communities:

     *Autistic or other neurodivergent
     *Queer / LGBTQIA+
     *Mentally ill, particular characters with depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, PTSD, or CPTSD
     *Characters who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault

If you have characters who fall into these categories and also those in other marginalized communities, please reach out, as I may be able to work with another sensitivity reader to give you a package deal.

Pricing is based on word count. I am happy to read a full manuscript or an excerpt.

Up to 15,000 words $25

15,0001 - 40,000 words $50

40,001 - 80,000 words $100

If your manuscript is longer than 80,000 words, please reach out and I will be happy to discuss your rate.

If you're ready to go or you have any questions for me, please fill out the form below.

Diversity Inclusion Consultations

For consultations, we can talk general diversity or any of the specifics outlined above. If your characters fall into another marginalized community, please reach out and I will be delighted to connect you with someone in that community who can help you better.

I offer 30- or 60-minute consultations:

30 minutes $45

60 minutes $65

If you'd like to book a consultation or you have any questions, please fill out the form below.

As an autistic pansexual woman with a delightful bouquet of mental illnesses, I looked around at one point and realized that I have never really seen myself represented in my entirety in books or media and that when I see parts of myself depicted in fiction, they are often poor representations. Whether it's presented as inspiration porn or riddled with misconceptions, it's very frustrating to see this.

So I became passionate about advocating for the inclusion of more, wider, and better diversity representation in fiction, whether in books, TV, movies, or any other medium.

I thought about how I wanted to see people like myself, I talked to other people in my own community and others about the same, and I gradually became an expert in diversity inclusion.

I've run panels on the subject at various events, from writing conferences to comic cons and pop culture expos.

I offer sensitivity reading on a wide range of subjects and video consultations with other authors on how best to include diverse characters, either generally or in reference to specific communities, especially neurodivergent, queer, and mentally ill characters.

I'd love to help you diversify your work in progress, no matter what stage you're at. Whether you're just developing your characters, you're mid-draft and feeling stuck or awkward, or if you've just finished your first draft and want to get some advice before you dive into edits, I'm here for you.

I also offer diversity inclusion consultations! I would love to sit down with you and talk face to face via video chat about your story, how to include diverse characters, or how to accurately and respectfully portray any particular characters you have in mind.